A successful volunteer event!

It was another successful weekend of volunteering in the Canyon. The family we helped in Gates this weekend only asked for help planting trees. We didn't know the size of the roots, the number of trees (estimate was 30 prior to arrival) and we of course didn't know how the weather would end up. But as you can see from the pictures, we arrived and within one hour this group had planted all the trees/shrubs that the property owners planned to set in the ground that day. We then worked with them to identify other fire related damage on their property that created clearing and recovery work which they needed done but hadn't asked for it to be done.

Dan, our chainsaw volunteer, then took down a few standing dead trees, removed burned stumps and generally reduced the big pieces to sizes we could carry. Our team cleaned and cleared the rest of the property all the way out to the ODOT right-of-way next to their home. In the pictures you may notice the now huge pile of slash that once choked out this property and the new park-like forest section that now exists.

The statement by the homeowners was "We could say you saved us months of labor, but the truth is we would not have been able to do in years what your team did in a little over 3 hours. THANK YOU!"

Our group photo was short Dan and Lesa, but this team of rock stars is changing the canyon, one property at a time!!!


The story of strength


Report on CAM visit at Gates Community Church By Mary Lou Hazelwood